
Vienna’s Historic Original 1897 Library

164 Mill St NEVienna,, VA 22180Website: Visit Website Google Map

Operated by Historic Vienna, Inc., the Little Library Museum is one of the oldest museums of its type in Fairfax County.  It has been preserved to give you a glimpse of what life was like in Vienna’s historic past.  

This one-room library building, now located at 164 Mill Street NE in Vienna next to the Freeman Store, was the Town’s first public library.  It was constructed in 1897 by local resident Edward R. Pierce at Library Lane and Maple Avenue.

It was moved in 1912 to Center Street and Maple Avenue, and in 1969 to its present location where it is maintained as a museum by Historic Vienna, Inc.

The Little Library Museum is located on Mill Street in Vienna VA next to the Freeman Store and Museum. We are open the 1st Sunday of every month from 1-4pm and during special community events (excluding January and February). Email us to schedule a private tour. The Library is a museum not a lending library but visitors may pass the time carefully reading some of the old books that have been preserved.